Monday, April 14, 2014

TWD -- Can-do Cantuccini

Practically perfect in every way
I loved this recipe. I was thrown at first by the name, but once I read this was real-deal biscotti, I couldn't wait to try it. I have been making biscotti off and on for some time, but had never run into a recipe for unblanched almonds. What were they and where did one get them? I ended up using a product called "raw almonds" so I hoped that meant unblanched.

I followed the recipe exactly and found the end product "practically perfect in every way," as Mary Poppins would say. I have come to believe that a biscotti recipe without any fat makes a cookie too tough and crunchy, but these weren't. My eight-year-old granddaughter even liked them and wasn't put off by the fact that they didn't look like the traditional cookie. I am going on a Cooks' Tour tomorrow and will take these along to pass out on the bus.


  1. What a lovely presentation! I was pleasantly surprised with this recipe as well. And, they were easy peasy to make!

  2. A Cook's Tour? That sounds fun. What do you tour? Restaurants?

  3. Yes, I want to know too! I love it when my grandsons like my cooking!

  4. You are right, they were perfect, crunchy and crisp. That tour of your sounds like fun.

  5. unblanched almonds just have their brown skins still on...I really don't think it mattered if they were blanched or unblanched, really. hope you had fun on your tour!

  6. Beautiful pic! Love that. These look great. I hope to make them soon.
